Reports & publications

Research papers
Explore our comprehensive collection of research papers that delve into the dynamic world of land administration, property rights, and technological advancements shaping the future of land management.
Explore these comprehensive reports to gain practical knowledge, lessons learned, and scalable strategies that drive Landstack's work of studying effective land management systems worldwide.
Project reports
Blogs and Op-ed
Dive into a diverse collection of articles that explore emerging trends, policy debates, and real-world experiences shaping the future of land governance. Stay informed, inspired, and part of the conversation driving change in the land sector.
Project reports
Explore these comprehensive reports to gain practical knowledge, lessons learned, and scalable strategies that drive Landstack's work of studying effective land management systems worldwide.
Research papers
Explore our comprehensive collection of research papers that delve into the dynamic world of land administration, property rights, and technological advancements shaping the future of land management.

Conference papers
Discover a rich repository of insights, case studies, and cutting-edge solutions presented by industry leaders and experts at prominent conferences worldwide.