Workshop on ‘Sustainable Land Governance and Real Estate’
7th to 9th December 2024
Venue- IIM Ahmedabad
We are happy to announce the Call for a 3-day workshop on ‘Sustainable Land Governance and Real Estate’.
Over the last few decades, the land administration system experienced significant changes from the absence of ownership rights and land market to the establishment of private ownership through streamlined policy reforms. It’s been well acknowledged that the Real Estate Market is one of the key drivers of economic development, improved livelihood and economic prosperity. In many countries, while the real estate market is more developed in urban areas, it remains significantly underdeveloped in the peri-urban area which impacts a large portion of the population The underdevelopment of the real estate market can be attributed to various factors, lack of private land ownership, poor regulatory framework, land fragmentation, limited access to finance, and poor grievance redressal mechanisms.
The evolution of the real estate market highlights the potential of the land market for governments, individuals, and firms, especially in emerging markets. Besides, real estate transcends beyond finance and urban economics. Sustainability has become an increasingly prominent topic of discussion, and real estate is rapidly evolving to address this goal.
As the sector ventures into unchartered territories with new technologies, considerations such as land use, mortgage markets, and valuation are cardinal in real estate development, financing, and investment decisions. Additionally, the emergence of real estate securities and private equity investments further highlights the diversification options available for financing this asset class.
IIM Ahmedabad is organizing the India Management Research Conference (IMRC 2024), a three-day mega event at IIMA from 7th - 9th December 2024.
The Real Estate Track in this Conference aims to foster industry-specific discussions and scholarly research among a diverse group of international participants. The track will comprise of plenary research presentations, keynote speeches from thought leaders and panel discussions on emerging topics bringing industry leaders and academics.
The Real Estate Market requires a sustainable and efficient land administration system as well as a streamlined land policy. To address this, Landstack, in collaboration with the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIMA), is hosting events in the workshop from December 07 to December 9, 2024, at IIM Ahmedabad.
The workshop will focus on key topics such as Sustainable Real Estate, Built Environment and Urbanities, Mortgage Markets, Land Records, Valuation and Tenure, Real Estate in Emerging Markets, Real Estate Securities (REIT, MBS), Hospitality Finance, Valuation and Investment, Proptech, AI/ML in Real Estate, Real Estate Private Equity, Behavioural Issues in Real Estate Markets
Who Can Apply?
The workshop is open to real estate industry professionals, professionals working in the social sector, media, government, CSR funders, practitioners and researchers.
Please note that the last date for applying is 31st October 2024
Course Fees
The course fee of Rs. 25,000 per candidate covers accommodation, food workshop kit, field visit and other relevant expenses of the workshop.
To-and-fro Travel expenses to the workshop venue will be borne by the candidate.
Limited Full or partial fee waivers can be considered based on the merit of the cases, applications for which, will be collected post-selection of the candidates.

Please note that payments will be accepted in INR Only
.** Domestic student status requires full-time enrollment at an Indian institution.