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Project reports
Strategies to Increase Poor Farmers' Access to Land and Related Benefits in India : Promising State Initiatives to Increase Poor Farmers' Access to Land and Agricultural Services (English)
IKP-BHOOMI: Enhancing land access for the marginalised and women in Andhra Pradesh, India, Case study/ working paper, World Bank
Localizing digital land administration in customary tenure regimes to secure individual tenure intervention by RNBA in the hills of Manipur, Case study/ working paper, World Bank
Group leasing approach to sustain farming and rural livelihoods: The journey of women farmers in Kudumshree, Kerala, Case study/ working paper, World Bank
Enhancing recognition and return of women farmers: WGWLO’s legal and institutional initiatives, Case study/ working paper, World Bank
Enhancing tribal land tenure security in Odisha: OTELP-Landsea Partnership
The Landsea innovation in west bengal strengthening women’s land rights through self help groups.
Women’s group farming on leased land: The experience of PRADAN in Odisha to help women’s groups access and farm leased-in land
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