APU-CLG Summer school
Landstack has (in its previous incarnation) co-organised three summer schools on land governance and development with Azim Premji University, Bengaluru, benefitting more than 100 young professionals from development sectors, academia, government and private sectors. A project aiming at state capacity building to help in the convergence of technology-led land administration with states’ public policy goals has now been initiated in partnership with two state governments and four academic institutes.
Training workshop on Community Stewardship and payment for PES markets.
Landstack has organized a 5 day residential workshop that will focus on key topics such as community stewardship, the FRA, and PES markets with expert-led, contextualised pedagogy, peer-learning opportunities, and field visits, institutes.

Landstack academy
Designed to cater to a diverse audience including government officials, NGOs, researchers, students, and beyond, the Academy serves as a pivotal hub for training and education about land. Through its specialized courses and workshops, it equips participants with critical insights into complex land issues, fostering a deeper understanding of policies, rights, and sustainable practices.